Lot’s Passover

I believe that YHWH’s moedim (appointed times) began with time itself. Perhaps the specific dates were unknown to the people of ancient times, but YHWH always knew them and has more than possibly worked in sync with these special times. Jewish tradition states, for example, that Adam and Eve were created on [what we know as] Yom Teruah. Personally, I wonder if their banishment from the garden occurred on Yom Kippur?

Later on in Genesis, we see some dramatic events in the life of Lot that correlate with the appointed time of Passover. Whether you believe the events took place on the actual moed of Passover or not, I think there’s some lessons to be gleaned from the links we find.

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Passover פסח Pesach

Passover is the first of the Moedim in YHWH’s calendar, that occurs during the barley harvest. It’s also the first of the Moedim that our family began to observe (in 2007). At the time, we simply wanted an annual Biblical event that could begin a family tradition that was not based on pagan beliefs and practices. It seemed like the natural replacement, even though we knew little about the observance of it. Each year we’ve had an evening meal consisting of unleavened bread and roasted lamb, as we spend time praying and reading Scriptures that remind us of YHWH’s Passover and focusing on the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

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