I vomited for the second time. Even in my wildest dreams, I would never have expected to witness what had just happened, and the utter shock of it had turned my stomach inside out.
more “Hacked to Pieces”Category: Serious Considerations
Who Loves the Most?
I listened to an amazing testimony recently. It was the story of someone who has now moved to Australia, but their life seemed to start in darkness and literally got to the very depths of that darkness before YHWH brought amazing changes into the man’s life. Such a very different life to my own – and it got me thinking.
more “Who Loves the Most?”The Fateful House Visit (1 Kings 13)
There’s a perplexing story found in 1 Kings that greatly intrigued me as I was beginning to see the relevance of Torah for modern believers. I say perplexing, because the story is a sad one, and can even appear to be unfair. It’s certainly not one that is easily understood, but I think there’s some important lessons we can learn from it nonetheless.
more “The Fateful House Visit (1 Kings 13)”The Day & the Hour
No man knows the day or the hour of the Messiah’s return. That is an undisputed fact that Yeshua taught his disciples. However, I think this verse has been used in these latter days to keep us from a wise understanding concerning the timing of the second coming of the Messiah.
more “The Day & the Hour”Achsah – Daughter of Caleb
Achsah (עכסה) was the daughter of Caleb, and we’re introduced to her in Joshua 15:13-19. Along with a parallel passage in Judges, there are only two verses that speak of a short story in her life. This story of Achsah has always intrigued me (probably because I have a son named Caleb), but it’s so brief and seems to contain nothing of spiritual value. However, when we dig beneath the surface, I found that there is plenty to consider!
more “Achsah – Daughter of Caleb”Seek First
Matthew 6:33 is a verse that many are familiar with. It’s a verse that reminds us not to worry for the physical things we need in this life.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
more “Seek First”The New & Improved Menu? (Acts 10)
In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we read of an important vision that Peter was given. It’s a vision that has been used in christianity to teach that the unclean animals listed in the supposed superseded “Old Testament” are finally permitted to come onto the menu. However, as we examine this passage a little closer, we are going to see that this understanding actually has no legitimate basis.
more “The New & Improved Menu? (Acts 10)”Don’t be Shaken
To state the obvious, we’re living in a strange world at the moment! In fact, the events that we’re seeing on a global level are unprecedented, in my opinion. On top of the pandemic situation, we have an economic disaster looming – one that is going to produce world-wide change in many areas of our lives. We also see political unrest in many regions, and increasing tensions between nations that could someday erupt in all-out war.
more “Don’t be Shaken”Self Isolation
Do you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms? A cough, a fever or shortness of breath? Are you being told that you need to self isolate? Perhaps you’re feeling fine and you’re happy just to continue life as usual. But it may be a good time to reconsider! I think there’s something our Messiah can teach us about this.
more “Self Isolation”First Words of Satan
In the form of a serpent, Satan said to Eve, “Yea, has God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”. Simple words, simple question, simple answer.
more “First Words of Satan”