“YHWH is my refuge”
[Inspired by Nahum 1:7 & Jeremiah 16:19]
The battlements above us,
The cobblestones below;
The mighty walls – built to last,
With paths built long ago.
The standard flies above us,
Giving us needed cheer;
We serve a King who’s righteous,
And we need no sword or spear.
It’s getting dark,
The clouds are growing;
Animals stir,
Something is brewing.
Footsteps of soldiers are near,
Hatred of Yahweh grows;
The weapons they hold are clear,
Their intent – the people know.
All rest safe inside the walls,
The stronghold is secure;
Standing within golden halls,
They’re certain they’ll endure.
The times are now –
The nations restless;
Baying for blood,
They are relentless.
Yahweh, my strength, my fortress,
My refuge ever true;
When trouble comes, I must trust,
Peace is only in You.
He’s the rock of His people,
The strength of the upright;
The wind beneath the eagle,
In darkness – the only light.
The verdict’s in:
Must trust only Him,
The Mighty Rock;
There is none but Him!
Maaziah is the Hebrew name I have chosen for myself.
It reflects on YHWH’s strength and desire to protect His chosen people.
He alone is our unshakable Rock and our ultimate Refuge until the end.