Who Loves the Most?

I listened to an amazing testimony recently.  It was the story of someone who has now moved to Australia, but their life seemed to start in darkness and literally got to the very depths of that darkness before YHWH brought amazing changes into the man’s life.  Such a very different life to my own – and it got me thinking.

more “Who Loves the Most?”

Follow the Leader

Lessons From the Flock – #5

If you were walking across our paddocks, you would discover bare trails that wind through the pastures. These are created as the sheep walk along – following one another and wearing away the tracks. We will often see a small group of sheep walking along the trails they’ve created, and sometimes over 100 walking in a long line – one after the other.

more “Follow the Leader”

The Day & the Hour

No man knows the day or the hour of the Messiah’s return. That is an undisputed fact that Yeshua taught his disciples. However, I think this verse has been used in these latter days to keep us from a wise understanding concerning the timing of the second coming of the Messiah.

more “The Day & the Hour”

Seek First

Matthew 6:33 is a verse that many are familiar with. It’s a verse that reminds us not to worry for the physical things we need in this life.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”

more “Seek First”

Lot’s Passover

I believe that YHWH’s moedim (appointed times) began with time itself. Perhaps the specific dates were unknown to the people of ancient times, but YHWH always knew them and has more than possibly worked in sync with these special times. Jewish tradition states, for example, that Adam and Eve were created on [what we know as] Yom Teruah. Personally, I wonder if their banishment from the garden occurred on Yom Kippur?

Later on in Genesis, we see some dramatic events in the life of Lot that correlate with the appointed time of Passover. Whether you believe the events took place on the actual moed of Passover or not, I think there’s some lessons to be gleaned from the links we find.

more “Lot’s Passover”

The Servant

Hoshea stood in the doorway, looking towards the faint glow of light in the eastern sky. He had been waiting for this day for six long years and his excitement had woken him up early. After all, he was going to be a free man once again!

more “The Servant”

As a Sheep Before its Shearer

Lessons From the Flock – #2

We have recently finished shearing our sheep here on the farm. We had three shearers working, and ended up shearing 5,321 sheep altogether. During the entire fortnight of shearing, there were only two sheep that made any noise as they were shorn. Scripture states truly that “a sheep before its shearers is silent” (Isaiah 53:7).

more “As a Sheep Before its Shearer”

Self Isolation

Do you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms? A cough, a fever or shortness of breath? Are you being told that you need to self isolate? Perhaps you’re feeling fine and you’re happy just to continue life as usual. But it may be a good time to reconsider! I think there’s something our Messiah can teach us about this.

more “Self Isolation”