“YHWH is my refuge”
[Inspired by Nahum 1:7 & Jeremiah 16:19]
more “Ma’aziah”I believe that YHWH’s moedim (appointed times) began with time itself. Perhaps the specific dates were unknown to the people of ancient times, but YHWH always knew them and has more than possibly worked in sync with these special times. Jewish tradition states, for example, that Adam and Eve were created on [what we know as] Yom Teruah. Personally, I wonder if their banishment from the garden occurred on Yom Kippur?
Later on in Genesis, we see some dramatic events in the life of Lot that correlate with the appointed time of Passover. Whether you believe the events took place on the actual moed of Passover or not, I think there’s some lessons to be gleaned from the links we find.
more “Lot’s Passover”Jotham was born in February, 2014, and is our youngest child. The long lead up to his birth, and the days that followed, have probably been the most difficult of our married life. There is no denying that Jotham has changed many things in our family life and, in the process, we have been changed too.
more “Jotham”Lessons From the Flock – #3
When I’m checking around our sheep, I sometimes find one of them upside down, legs in the air, and unable to get itself back up onto its feet. This is what we call a “cast sheep”, and basically means that the sheep is immobilised.
more “The Cast Sheep”Hoshea stood in the doorway, looking towards the faint glow of light in the eastern sky. He had been waiting for this day for six long years and his excitement had woken him up early. After all, he was going to be a free man once again!
more “The Servant”The Goshen Chronicle (1570 BC)
In recent months there has been a dramatic shift in the attitude of some groups within our Israelite community. It has unfortunately led to conflict at times and possibly threatens to create some form of long-lasting disunity.
more “Media Flashback”In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we read of an important vision that Peter was given. It’s a vision that has been used in christianity to teach that the unclean animals listed in the supposed superseded “Old Testament” are finally permitted to come onto the menu. However, as we examine this passage a little closer, we are going to see that this understanding actually has no legitimate basis.
more “The New & Improved Menu? (Acts 10)”I have previously written concerning the command of the tzitzit. If you haven’t read that, you may want to begin there, as it speaks more of the foundational issues and how it all relates to us (here’s the link). But now, I’d like to share some additional things I’ve learnt on the subject.
more “Blossoms of the Tzitzit”Lessons From the Flock – #2
We have recently finished shearing our sheep here on the farm. We had three shearers working, and ended up shearing 5,321 sheep altogether. During the entire fortnight of shearing, there were only two sheep that made any noise as they were shorn. Scripture states truly that “a sheep before its shearers is silent” (Isaiah 53:7).
more “As a Sheep Before its Shearer”I have been asked from time to time about my journey into the Torah way of life. As you will see, the journey has been more of a slow progression rather than a drastic, overnight change. Perhaps this was YHWH’s will for us all along, or perhaps it is more a reflection upon me as someone slow to trust. Either way, may this be a testimony to YHWH’s goodness in opening eyes that were once blinded to these things.
more “My Journey to Torah”